Poker is a gambling game where you play against other people. In order to play, you have to ‘ante’ (the amount varies by game, ours are usually nickels).
Once you ante, you must get 5 cards and place a bet on them. The highest hand that hasn’t folded wins the pot.
In Poker, a player can bluff by saying that they have a better hand than they actually do. They also can win by bluffing if players who have superior hands don’t call their bet.
A hand is made up of two personal cards and five community cards. The best possible hand is a Royal Flush, which includes an Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 in the same suit.
Almost all games have some kind of hand ranking system. These vary from one game to another, but they all have a few fundamental rules in common:
Betting begins by placing a bet into the middle of the table. The betting rounds pass clockwise around the table until everyone either calls or folds.
The player who placed the bet may or may not reveal their hand, but the other players must match it. If a player does not want to reveal their hand, they can say “check.”
An oversized chip in the pot of any value that is not accompanied by an action declaring a raise automatically constitutes a call. However, a player may exchange the chip for its full value out of the pot before calling or raising.